abstract artist in Winston Salem, North Carolina
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I’m Kate, an artist in Winston Salem, North Carolina. I grew up in Houston, TX, but WSNC is home. I’m a follower of Jesus, wife to Ryan, and mom to Stone, Coco, and lettie. I'm pregnant with a little boy, due in the fall. We have a dog named Lola and some pandemic pets—Violet the bunny and Frank, Delilah, and boswell the aquatic frogs. Our hearts and home are very full!
Like most of us, the pandemic has taught me to cherish what I have and God has given me such abundance I can hardly wrap my mind around it. I’m so thankful!
I’m a daughter of an artist and have always had a knack for the creative, but it wasn’t until 2020 that I decided to really dive in. I’ll always thank this bizarre Covid-19 time for forcing our schedules to clear and giving me the space and courage to create. It’s brought me so much joy.
I’m a self-taught abstract artist. I’ve benefitted greatly from the generosity of the online art community. I’m soaking up virtual workshops and tutorials every chance I can. I think expression through painting is beautifully comprehensive. I've never liked to be “put in a box” and that's translated into my art as well. I’ve discovered that by using a variety of techniques and mediums I’m able to express different things about myself. My work is sometimes wild, sometimes measured, sometimes peaceful, and sometimes edgy. I find inspiration all around me—colors and movement in nature, music, my children, current events, scripture, and more.
Thank you for being here! I look forward to connecting.
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord."
Psalm 150:6